2016 Update on USPSTF Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations
2016 Update on USPSTF Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations
“From all of the scientific data examined, it is clear that screening mammography and early detection reduces the risk for death from breast cancer. One of the points that has not been discussed is that early detection also potentially alters treatment that a woman has to undergo for her breast cancer and also may lead to less aggressive treatment. Due to early detection, most women have the option to undergo a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy. The treatment after surgery also may be altered based on the stage that the cancer was diagnosed.
Over the last several decades, there has been enormous progress in the overall outcome for women with breast cancer. There are many reasons for the fact that 5-year survival for breast cancer is 90%, and early detection is one of them. If — as a result of these recommendations — insurance coverage changes and/or fewer women undergo screening mammograms, we will slowly erode all of the progress that we have made in this arena.” (Susan Boolbol, MD)